…a 1,000 views? Well, maybe not quite 1,000. But, pictures or images are an important facet of any blog post.
Images serve a few functions on my blog. Sometimes they inspire, or help me refine my focus for a post. They promote my post to potential readers via social media. And they can clarify the content to my readers.
Here is a roundup of my favorite blog posts about creating for and sharing images from blog posts…

#EdublogsClub Round-up of Image Creation Posts
Listly by Penny Christensen
For the 2017 #EdublogsClub Blogging Challenge

Do you need a strategy for your Project 365? How about just a strategy for all those pictures of your kids? Here is one way to manage!

Different educators like seeing an educational technology coach for different reasons. Some people want to share new tools and tips with you/you with them, some people have problems they are trying to overcome, Some people have successes to share with you. Sometimes educational technology coaches like seeing different people for different reasons too! There are days when I forum-shop and seek people out for that positive reinforcement or I want to hear a cool new idea that I didn’t have to come up with myself.

Current K12 teachers didn't go to college for online course design in online/blended content. Follow along and learn easy ways to EDU graphic design.

How to create a long Pinterest style image and then hide it in a WordPress post so it only shows up when pinned.

If you have wondered about making your own images for your digital classroom creations your first task is to find a (free) user-friendly tool. I have had success with both Powerpoint and PicMonkey. I identified right away that I lacked a way to generate multiple professional color palettes. Yes, Powerpoint comes with set palettes, but they are somewhat recognizable. My Pinterest board: Color Me Happy is where I collect color palettes, but how could I get those colors into an image editing tool?

I have a love affair with every good infographic I see. It can’t just be me, don’t you love it when you “see” the idea before someone makes you read the idea? That kind of double-enforced messaged, confirming what your audience thought all along – brilliant!

Step 1: Setting up your blog
Step 2: Setting Up Pages
Step 3: Publish your first posts
Step 4: Connecting with others
Step 5: Working with Widgets
Step 6: Images, copyright and Creative Commons
Step 7: Cool tools to embed
Step 8: All about video

What are you saying with your social media pictures? How are you creating images? Let's consider what your social media posts can convey.
2017-01-26 at 2:27 pm
Thank you for sharing out these resources! Curious, for your Infographics post, which tool would you recommend as your top choice?
Dan Gallagher recently posted…NüYü “Panther Pause” Challenge
2017-01-26 at 8:38 pm
I like creating in Canva for the fresh look and feel. I also like easel.ly, but it has been awhile since I used it. I hear good things about Picktochart, not sure why I’m not going to that one. I wanted to learn Infogr.am, but never got that far.
Which are you liking right now?