Serving up steaming scoops of K12 edtech observation, thoughts, and opinions. With gravy.

Tag conference

#ISTE19 Thrive Guide

Every once in a while I step back and see the awesome opportunity of attending great conferences like #ISTE19. I know that the first few times I approached conference attendance differently than I do now. It isn’t enough to survive… Continue Reading →

The Selfie you MUST take Before Leaving #ISTE2015

Consider the selfie sticks hoisted, capturing images of you at the “Rocky Steps,” with Moby in the Exhibition Hall, in Love Park, with your Twitter friends you are finally meeting In Real Life. What purpose are these selfies achieving? Do… Continue Reading →

How to Schedule a Conference

If you are lucky enough to attend educational conferences you know they are as much an experience as anything else. The comradery, the openness with which teachers learn from each other is inspiring! So how do you approach such an… Continue Reading →

Top Fifteen to Follow for #ISTE2015

I took a new approach to my annual list of who/what you need to be following while attending #ISTE2015 this year. I looked through both the #ISTE2015 program and my complete followers list on Twitter. I checked anyone who had… Continue Reading →

Anticipating #ISTE2015

It takes me a while to get ready for an ISTE conference, the International Society for Technology in Education’s annual conference, and #ISTE2015 is like no exception. Last year the Atlanta conference was 50 miles away from our Georgia district and… Continue Reading →

#EdCampATL Take-Aways

My first EdCamp was #EdCampSav earlier this year. I was determined to just observe, so naturally I joined in and presented something on Twitter. I went from 0-60 in about the first five minutes I was there. And I find… Continue Reading →

#ISTE2014 Tweeps to Follow

You cannot go to the #edtech conference of the year ~ ISTE ~ without already following these great educators on Twitter. What do you think? I am trying out a new tool – Care to play along? Use… Continue Reading →

#iNACOL13 Brain Dump

This was my first iNACOL.  I jealously watched my colleagues attend a couple of years ago and am so grateful I was able to attend this year!  It is worth noting they have recently changed their name from Virtual School… Continue Reading →


I had a great ISTE this year. I was a little Twitter-star struck, managed to be act normal with several cool people that I was lucky enough to meet, and had some of my paradigms shifted. And, I was challenged… Continue Reading →

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