Should educators care about the ranking that Alexa, an Amazon company, assigns them? I feel like you already know the answer to this, yes. Yes, you should care. Especially educators who want to promote the materials or services they sell on… Continue Reading →
As I was writing a post for educators selling materials and/or services online I realized the question of if smart speakers like Alexa should even be in schools was a big deal. I broke this information into its own blog… Continue Reading →
Teacher End of School Check List: ✔ Give away some of your classroom library books to good homes. ✔ Have students help you move furniture, pretend like students never move furniture for you. ✔ Help students break the cycle of cleaning out a… Continue Reading →
The truth about school is it doesn’t matter. At least, not like you think. Maybe I should refine that; for most of the students you teach, the content you teach matters less than how you teach. Students are already half-formed… Continue Reading →
How many weekend television programs have you “watched” while filling the coffee table, the couch, and -surprise- some of the floor with the papers you are attempting to grade? Maybe it is time to consider some grading alternatives? Some things… Continue Reading →
Some times of year are thick with educational nostalgia. Graduations and the start of a school year are traditional times to reflect on your years in educational service. Veteran teachers wax philosophic if they would still start a career in… Continue Reading →
This is a version of a Type I & Type II Technologies presentation from 2011, presented at a local educational technology conference. So much has changed since then, but the purposes of technology in the classroom are increasingly important and worthy of… Continue Reading →
Educators are the nicest people you will ever meet. That makes it extra tough, but at some point “trying #edtech” is not enough. By only trying educational technology educators are not investing enough in the power of the technology and are only… Continue Reading →
Social media in a political season is … interesting. It seems to reveal that some in our sphere of influence do not think deeply about what is shared and/or may not care if it offends. Which leads to an awkward situation. Those you follow… Continue Reading →
It was a typical classroom event. The students had gathered to culminate a Reader’s Workshop and invited parents. My son attends a traditional school for the most part. It is not a technologically savvy school. So I did notice when… Continue Reading →
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