From 2011, 2017, to this week I try to keep track of the set-up I perform on new work laptops. I wrote down the things I did to my new work laptop to compare and share. Welcome to my laptop… Continue Reading →
While education reorganizes, just to reorganize again, instructional technology is increasing its importance in classrooms, schools, and learning. Consider the Impact of Instructional Technology #edchat #edtech #edtechchat Click To Tweet Teachers and Technology Teachers may view the recent entry of… Continue Reading →
There are more educational technologies than you can use. ever. The users of #edtech apps vary; schools and districts subscribe, but also individuals subscribe. How should you request and receive support from #edtech companies? How should you request and receive… Continue Reading →
Whatever your politics, it is shocking that immediately after the huge teacher-win of shifted face-to-face teaching and learning to emergency remote learning in mere days that teachers will be furloughed to meet state budgets. And yet, here we are. And… Continue Reading →
Home Work: Life Balance You may have started to settle into a pattern with your #RemoteLearning schedule. I enjoy less commuting, more time for real meals, and my own children being with me all day. I know they are looking… Continue Reading →
Maybe it is because we have so many of our students being educated by parents, siblings, non-educators, but the time to bring back narrative assessments might be now. I am also not sure who should author them. Teachers can describe… Continue Reading →
Extraordinary circumstances are culminating in an extended period of time for students to be out of school. Parents are now forced into a role they may not have the expertise to feel confident in and students are confused by the… Continue Reading →
Don’t forget the Teacher’s Holiday Gifts! Teachers really don’t expect anything, but save them from only receiving coffee mugs and fudge with fingerprints on it. Show them appreciation through simple gifts that show you were thinking of them – before… Continue Reading →
Educational Technology is a big business. And every vendor wants to sell you. It is your job to keep in mind the guiding principles of your organization (classroom, school, district) – not the job of the #edtech vendor to only… Continue Reading →
We are probably very similar, teachers usually are. We care about kids. We show that in different ways, but we all care. Together we offer a myriad of ways for students to learn. We help families explore how each child learns… Continue Reading →
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