Serving up steaming scoops of K12 edtech observation, thoughts, and opinions. With gravy.

Tag #AprilBlogADay

Evaluate #AprilBlogaDay

It was 2 1/2 weeks since my previous post when I accepted the #AprilBlogaDay challenge. I needed a jump-start. What did I get? Reviewing my 30 tweets in 30 days, here is what I concentrated on… Authentic Topics I started… Continue Reading →

Making Time… #AprilBlogaDay

In my eLearning role I hear and try to respond to the call for more trainings, more in-depth training. But what are teachers really asking for? Time. I hear calls for more in-depth training. But what are teachers really asking… Continue Reading →

5 Wrong Beliefs Holding Teachers Back #AprilBlogaDay

I am just a teacher. You are not “just” a teacher. You – are – a – teacher! And teachers close the door and have the undivided attention of the young for impressive stretches of time. You set the weather for… Continue Reading →

Twitter in Education #AprilBlogaDay

April 2015 I hit 10,000 tweets…I didn’t know I had that much to say. However, I have to say that I am very happy with my current relationship to Twitter. Twitter in education is not the same as in our… Continue Reading →

Infographics: Checking In #AprilBlogaDay

I really like a well constructed infographic. I would probably willingly learn about anything from a cool infographic. There is a real approach you need to take when creating an infographic. Infographic Journal has collected over 5,000 of some of… Continue Reading →

Educational Blogging: Read, Comment, Write #AprilBlogaDay

So maybe you are not ready to start educational blogging just yet. That is okay. I have some steps which will gradually move you closer to that goal. Read The first step is to start reading the great wealth of… Continue Reading →

Your Current Mentor #AprilBlogaDay meets #BFC530

One of my new favorite Twitter chats is #BFC530. It has a positive slant and happens at 5:30 each weekday by give one question 15 minutes of attention. This morning the question from @BFC530 had me bubbling over with praise for some… Continue Reading →

How has Social Media Impacted You? #AprilBlogaDay

Post 16/30 for #AprilBlogaDay When I think about social media, I am really talking about Twitter and everything else is secondary to me. What Twitter has done for my career is the opposite of the dismal news you hear about… Continue Reading →

Literacies to Develop #AgeofLiteracy #AprilBlogaDay

I am proud to be at day 15/30 for #AprilBlogaDay! The prompt (which I am using for 4/15) honors International Literacy Day by asking some great questions, mostly captured In this article by the International Literacy Association. I am publishing this… Continue Reading →

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