Serving up steaming scoops of K12 edtech observation, thoughts, and opinions. With gravy.

Tag Coaching

Technical Tips for Zoom Teaching

Any teacher newly teaching online must learn some technical skills. These technical tips for zoom teaching are essential, but may not be explicitly taught to educators. Assure educators are ready to do the teaching, by helping them with the technical… Continue Reading →

The End of “Unprecedented Times”

I stopped using the phrase “unprecedented times” as soon as I could this semester. Because no one wants to hear what they feel in their bones, how novel this situation is, how exhausting, how sustained, and how stressful the unprecedented… Continue Reading →

Pandemic Grading

Before a parent or an educator becomes too emotional in response to pandemic grading, let us consider the situation… Craft an Intentional Perspective “Unconditional positive regard” means an approach that slows us down and considers student /teacher motivation and overall… Continue Reading →

Celebrate, Tolerate, or Undermine #EdTech

Current teachers have a variety of stances on instructional technology. We may be the last generation of teachers to consider teaching with and without technology as fundamentally different. Students currently view our segmented stance on using and not using technology… Continue Reading →

Gift Idea: #edtech Teachers love Books!

Teachers just love to learn. And just because we are interested in gadgets, online learning, and technical solutions, do not make the mistake of thinking we don’t love a good book! Right now I am deep into Blended Learning. I have… Continue Reading →

Teachers: your Largest Employee Group

In any school or school district, teachers are the single largest employee group. Listen to teachers for the health of any school. Do you listen to teachers in your school or district? Are teachers listened to in your school or… Continue Reading →

Second Semester Lessons #blogamonth

This blog is part of the #blogamonth challenge. Join in our community of educators and give your blogging an audience, a purpose, and accept the monthly prompt! New Year’s Resolutions are tough. It feels like I am setting myself up for… Continue Reading →

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