It is the week of the obligatory Top Ten lists of 2016.
Who am I to not join in?
HotLunchTray had an awesome year. Traffic increased from Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter. And here are the top posts according to views:
Top Posts of 2016
Listly by Penny Christensen
Here is a heaping serving of the Top Ten posts from your HotLunchTray from 2016.
The good thing about Blended Learning is there are many ways to do it.
The bad thing about Blended Learning is there are many ways to do it.
When, how, and why do I recommend technology in the classroom?
It is an honor when another educator honestly asks you a question, but let us attempt to uncover what those easy #edtech coaching questions might tell us.
How to organize and carry out a Twitter Challenge in your district/school. Follow these steps to hold your own Twitter Challenge.
When making online content for either a completely online or a blended learning course there are some online content mistakes to avoid.
How can your lesson plan make it clearer to your observing administrator the blended learning going on in your classroom?
Being a teacher in a Technology Department puts me in a special category; I have a lot I need to learn about EdTech Leadership.
What are the basic things to do - and not do - when out there technology coaching educators?
Advice for when you start blending your instruction. Three ways to make it, not break it. #BlendedLearning
The news is full of teachers leaving the profession via social media. Why haven't you resigned from teaching yet or is it the furthest thing from your mind?
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