Welcome to the #8weeksofsummer blog challenge! All educators are welcome to participate and reflect on their practice during this built-in break for refreshment and reflection.
Educators do have a nice amount of breaks throughout the year, but none as wonderful as summer break – maybe not for the reason you think.
Summer break is the period in the year where you are not concerned about “your (20-150) kids” in quite the same way. It is a break in owning a classroom full of students and a chance to direct your focus inward at yourself as an educator.
The Prompt:
Potential Professional Growth
Reflecting on the past school year, what is your biggest area for professional growth going into next school year?
The Rules:
Have a Blog: You may blog on a traditional blog or use Facebook; anything with an independent URL for each post.
Write & Include: (1) This at the start of your post: “This post is week 1 of 8 in the 8 Weeks of Summer Blog Challenge for educators.” and kindly link that sentence to https://wp.me/p4cW8a-2AD – the home post for this challenge. And (2) the hashtag #8weeksofsummer in any social media shares of the post.
Comment on my Prompt: Post a link to your blog in the comments of each of the 8 blog prompts in a timely fashion (We are on vacation, and you may not even know which day it is, so let’s say within two-ish weeks of the post).
The 2018 #8weeksofsummer blog challenge runs June 3 – July 29, 2018 and is for any educator. The challenge prompts educators with opportunity of reflection. Each prompt asks them to blog about their reaction, thoughts, experiences with some facet of their professional practice.
Check HotLunchTray.com June 3rd and every Sunday until July 29th for prompts.
Successful timely* completion of all 8 weeks commenting/linking back/sharing via social media will result in one entry into the drawing for $100 USD Amazon Gift card July 29th.
*We are teachers, and it is summer, so let’s say within two weeks of the post.
2018-06-09 at 5:28 pm
Hi Penny — a great idea to get people blogging and reflecting on their teaching and learning. I enjoyed writing about my goals.
2018-06-10 at 1:37 am
Count me in! Thanks for giving me the motivation to finally get started! Here’s the link to my 1st blog!
2018-06-11 at 12:48 am
Thanks, Penny, for the challenge. It is a great idea, no doubt.
To be perfectly honest, right now I am on #2 from one of my older blogposts (“Educator Resuscitation 101: A Prerequisite for Summer Learning” – https://goo.gl/qtoLMa). Now that I have thoroughly enjoyed our students’ graduation, I am taking a break my way…by spinning my legs off on my road bike and by jumping into one of the many hobbies I have always wanted to explore.
Yep. “Taking a break” for me this summer has landed me as a novice wood craftsman in a makeshift workshop in my backyard. It has always been a dream of mine to build meaningful furniture that can be passed down as keepsakes to my kids. Most of my life has been spent playing or coaching sports, so I never really learned to build wooden structures or to be much of a handyman. Furthermore, my creative energy the last 20 years has been spent designing interactive learning structures, writing blog posts, and creating educational video tutorials…all activities I am forever passionate about.
Recently, my personal time finds me standing in front of an array of saws and tools, marking unfinished and uncut boards, and watching multitudes of “D.I.Y.” videos on YouTube. I feel like such a greenhorn, but I feel so alive as a student. It seems I am learning something new every second. Without question, I am absolutely enthralled with the learning process, and I am presently surprised by my willingness to make mistakes…even when I know it will cost me money. As a younger student many years ago, I wasn’t so willing to make mistakes. Oh, if I only knew then what I understand now!
It truly is so cool to be reminded of the emotions and thoughts a new learner will encounter…the vulnerability, the uncertainty, the risks, the faith, the resiliency, the focus, and the moments of illumination and clarity. However, there is one emotion that rises above the others and makes all the hard work worth it every time: that moment of triumph when I step away from my woodwork and say to myself, “Man, I just did that.”
It seems, however, that all the sawdust, loud machine sounds, and endless coats of polyurethane must be pickling my brain because I affirm that I must have created a paradox with my unfamiliar hobby.
Yep. As I look back at a beautiful Hickory wood writer’s desk and a gleaming Knotty Pine two-seated bench with built-in table, my two newly finished products, somehow, well, somehow I feel I have some unfinished business.
A lot of learning to do, and that’s just fine with me.
2018-06-16 at 10:12 pm
What an exciting way to refresh yourself John. I imagine making that connection to being a learner will help you reacquaint yourself with the learning process. Not just being a student; I imagine you appreciate techniques those YouTubers use to teach you the intricacies of woodworking. But I think you are really stepping back and taking in the entire process of teaching-learning-reteaching-relearning.
2018-06-11 at 8:42 am
What a great idea! Here is my first post! https://theodorapap.blogspot.com/2018/06/reflecting-on-past-school-year-what-is.html
2018-06-11 at 8:46 am
What a great idea! I can’t wait to meet you all
2018-06-13 at 11:36 am
Thanks for this challenge opportunity!
2018-06-18 at 7:10 am
Share the link back to your blog here Mary; we would love to read it!
2018-06-13 at 1:48 pm
Here is my first post for the challenge!
2018-06-17 at 8:27 pm
Thanks for this great idea! I have always thought about trying a blog. This is my first attempt. I hope to learn about blogging and improve my life as an educator as I work through these prompts.
2018-06-18 at 7:09 am
Sounds like this will be fun Jolene! Share your link to your blog in your comments and we will love to read your blog!
2018-06-18 at 4:26 pm
Here’s a link to my reply: https://wordpress.com/post/togetherwegrowingrace.wordpress.com/13
2018-06-17 at 8:29 pm
Thank you for this opportunity to develop both my blogging skills and my professionalism as an educator.