The phrase – Professional Development – may or may not make you roll your eyes hard. However, professional learners such as teachers are always learning, no matter is it is the school year or summer. These personal drivers that make teachers into professional learning machines dictate that even a teachers most quite moments can be reflective on personal teaching practices.

And while I continue to encourage my peers to take back their professional learning let’s remember that summer can be a time to learn in another way, by reading.

A good book is the best evidence of that. Even non-professional books become instructive because teachers are dealing with the constant tending of relationships to convey learning, what better way to learn about other types of people and their motivators than to read? I propose that {almost?} all reading can be professional growth.Summer Reads for the Teacher

If you make it to summer teacher – you get to read!

Here are some professional choices which are all worthwhile.

What books have made your summer reading list?