…is often the gift of time to teachers…makes an attractive email – read now, reread later…allows more family time and reduces stress…does not makes your teachers resent professional meetings…does not require anyone to bring snacks..teachers can grade openly instead of in their laps..will not be live-tweeted…makes you wonder did anyone fall asleep in the Library today…provides time for adequate planning and student feedback…doesn’t answer that certain colleague’s “one last question”…honors professionalism over checking boxes…gives your assistant principal more time to polish those jokes…reduces waste, no agendas…allows for more flexibility to meet personally…saves the principal’s voice at this time of year…puts one less demand on teachers’ time…removes a reminder of hierarchy in a school…makes an attractive email – read now, reread later…is often the gift of time to teachers.
2017-05-18 at 10:49 am
Thanks for sharing these thoughts, Peggy! Touching on scheduling personal conversations in lieu of meetings really spoke with me! When scheduling meetings, it’s so important to consider the context of the day and week they are taking place. Is there a better time to meet? A more appropriate medium for sharing information than a staff meeting? I hope that leaders consider those things before simply adding a “2nd Tuesday of the month” recurring item on their staff’s calendar next year.