How is your school/district operating differently this year? We know how surprised we all were the abrupt nature of #RemoteLearning {Read: Remote Learning posts}. But that might not mean you aren’t surprised by some of the measures local schools/districts are or are not taking.
The only thing everyone seems to agree upon is that it will not be the start of school last year – everything else seems variable. Share with your blog readers how your school year will start and how you are feeling about that change.
Share the idea of blogging with your colleagues as a way to process the end of the year that wasn’t. Take the ideas of the friends in this challenge and hopefully build a year prepared for multiple formats!
The Prompt:
How is your school/district operating differently this year?
The Rules:
Have a Blog: You may blog on a traditional blog, podcast, or use Facebook; any platform with an independent URL for each post.
Write & Include: (1) This at the start of your post: “This post is week 8 of 8 in the #8WeeksofSummer Blog Challenge for educators.” and kindly link that sentence to
And (2) please use the hashtag #8weeksofsummer in social media shares of the post.
Comment on my Prompt: Post a link to your blog in the comments of each of the 8 blog prompts in a timely fashion (We are on vacation, and you may not even know which day it is, so let’s say within 3 weeks of posts 1-7).
This 2020 #8weeksofsummer blog challenge runs June 12 – July 31, 2020, and is for any educator. The challenge prompts educators with the opportunity of reflection. Each prompt asks them to blog about their reaction, thoughts, experiences with some facet of their professional practice.
Check June 12th and every Friday until July 31st for prompts.
Successful completion of all 8 weeks commenting/linking back/sharing via social media will result in one entry into the drawing for $100 USD Amazon Gift card one week after July 31st – when teachers need it most!
2020-07-31 at 11:19 am
We have two plans to offer parents and students for the fall.
2020-08-02 at 9:21 am that’s my last one!
2020-08-07 at 8:52 am
The new school year will be a challenge, no matter what direction you take.
2020-08-07 at 1:15 pm
Is anyone feeling dismayed? I really want to meet my students in real life, but it’s not looking likely….
I’d love to know how others are feeling and dealing these days.
Thanks for this blog challenge!