Serving up steaming scoops of K12 edtech observation, thoughts, and opinions. With gravy.


Interaction in Virtual Communities

Virtual Communities Virtual Communities include online courses and social media platforms.  Online classes offer a variety of interactions. Some are expected and unexpected; there are also some interactions that do more to build social presence than others.  Online classes have… Continue Reading →

I’m Back in School

My blog is not my primary online destination lately.Why so busy? Well, I am a teacher, and teachers love to learn. I am back in school for my last degree, my Ed.D. in Instructional Technology. I want to tell my… Continue Reading →

3 Ways to Move Instruction Online

When face-to-face educators try to imagine online education they are immediately challenged. Face-to-face educators major in compliance and attendance. When planning lessons they structure based on the amount of time budgeted to teaching a concept. They fit assessments into semesters,… Continue Reading →

6 Tips for Success in your LMS

If you are wondering how to be a successful teacher in your school’s Learning Management System (LMS) I have some tips for you: 6 Tips: Success in your school’s Learning Management System (LMS) #edchat Click To Tweet “Did you Check… Continue Reading →

Your LMS as a 3 Ring Binder

A traditional classroom has many different facets which vary by grade level and personal teaching style. An online classroom can have those same unique stylistic and organizational elements. When one combines pieces of a face-to-face classroom with an online classroom… Continue Reading →

P.S. About Google Classroom

A unique position for me, I actually discourage use of a certain technology. That is atypical, but it might be understandable, let me explain. I cannot stop hearing about Google Classroom. Coincidentally, this surge in chatter coincides with a mandate… Continue Reading →

3 Ways to Grade Faster

How many weekend television programs have you “watched” while filling the coffee table, the couch, and -surprise- some of the floor with the papers you are attempting to grade? Maybe it is time to consider some grading alternatives? Some things… Continue Reading →

By the Time it Snows, It is Too Late

When your most proper teacher friends in The South talk about “The S Word,” you pay attention. Their hushed tones and serious looks barely cover a teacher’s excitement. Because for the longest time around here, a snow day meant a… Continue Reading →

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