This post is one in a series for a MOOC. You can find similar posts searching under the Category MOOC or searching for hashtag #eteacherTOOL for more about this particular MOOC.
The student work sample I have access to is from a Media Specialist who missed a training meeting today at Central Office. She just needs to know how to update, increase accuracy on her hand out.
Since I also wanted to show her some new items on the live website to contrast to her document I chose to make a video:
I would then email this screencast to her to make changes or contact me with follow-up questions. Enjoy!
The person I am providing feedback to already has a strong background in producing and updating to current documentation. She does not need unnecessary praise, but realizes I found her advanced copy of an Atomic Learning Cheat Sheet and am helping her enhance it based on our prior relationship over the years.
With a traditional-aged student, I would typically have just one year to work with the student. I would be certain to call out the facets of any product which I think met the highest standard of that student. I would also be certain to reference any rubric, guidelines, checklist for that product and explain where the student met or fell short of the expectation.
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