Filed under “Better Late than Never” I am starting the ThingLink Challenge today.

The first task was to upload a picture of something I know a little bit about already, in order to concentrate on learning to use ThingLink. I had recently helped a friend purchase running shoes and so have remembered my love of running shoes – and selling them. It is still a solid “plan B” in my career path.

I checked in at Pixabay to see what pictures they might have of a good running shoe to use, but found two that I really liked. So I needed to stitch them together, used The Google to find Fotor Photo Stitch – lightweight, nice app which can pull from multiple sources and offers to save your newly created image to even more places. I want to go pack and see how it works with mobile, but back to the task at hand….

I have not added it to the challenge channel for week one yet. I think I may have two accounts, I will need to check.


After taking the 30 minutes to learn about doing this and researching the images for my existing understanding of the topic I can see many uses for this in the teacher’s lessons.

Lingering questions: how this works in Canvas, why this is different in WordPress….