Sometimes I find myself “saving up books” to read when I have more time. Sound familiar to any teachers out there?
Of course I buy many of my books from Amazon, some paper, some Kindle. But I’d also recommend GoodReads for teachers as a way to connect (friends from Facebook, other educators, groups with shared interests).
Below find my top three picks (referral links) for you in this upcoming Summer of Reading 2016:
I was first introduced to Jane McGonigal as the opening keynote speaker for International Society for Technology in Education Conference (ISTE) 2013 {Pro Tip: Turns out, she is not a professor from Hogwarts}. She gave a version of this speech on how gaming could make a better world and it was just the point of view I needed to rethink my viewpoint on gaming. I read the book she had out at the time and remain a fan. I also caught a (National Public Radio) NPR interview with her about how she incorporated gaming in her healing process. That process revealed in this newest book, Super Better – which is my number one recommendation for your summer reading list. I thought I was open-minded, until she revealed to me my own biases about gaming – chances are you might benefit from some insight as well.
My number two recommendation comes from a colleague and is an author over a book. @crayonkeepin attended a Copyright Clarity session at the Media Education Lab in Philadelphia with this author Renee Hobbs years ago. The understanding she has brought back to our work group and district is a game changer for our teachers. For that alone Copyright Clarity gets the nod. I am excited to hear that Renee is doing new research on the different types of technology adopters in schools. This is a must read for me based on (1) the quality Renee’s work has brought to my work group and district and (2) my curiosity needs satisfying to start categorizing #edtech adopters as I encounter them.It should be good summer reading. Also consider this strong offering, teaching teachers how to incorporate media into their students products.
My final recommendation for summer reading is The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros. I am a long-time fan of George via Twitter and his blog The Principal of Change, but where he really excels to me is at his conference sessions. If you don’t get to read this book, make it a goal to see him speak in person! I know that #ReflectiveTeacher has a book study on this book. It would be great to find another book study when I am able to read it this summer!
If you have more to add or would be so kind as to review any of these books please let me know – I’d love the feedback!
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