I watched that last election. I know how everything is suddenly different.
Like when cars made horses obsolete. Like when radio and then television made printed books obsolete.
But please don’t give up on, don’t ruin Twitter. Educators have been on Twitter longer and better than politicians. Early in 2014 Twitter execs said educators dominated the Twittersphere.
So now is the time to compose ourselves and carry on with worthwhile educational pursuits on Twitter. Do not tempt yourself with looking up the inciting, unkind tweets which now are posters on the floor of the U.S. Senate and are reported on by the evening news. That is not our Twitter.
Our Twitter feeds our teacher soul and needs to be protected and cherished. Twitter is a place to turn for fellowship in the hardships and the joys of teaching and learning. Do not pollute my Twitter feed with your political views, I am here to improve my teaching and learning practice. Respect the platform enough to not engage in the current political discourse overtly on Twitter. Many political figures boast that they do not email, possibly that means there will not be a bandwagon effect of more politicians on Twitter, but… until we can be sure – best to be safe and NOT engage with them and their agenda for tweeting.
I value my Professional Learning Network, PLN, so much. I cannot go back to being an educator without Twitter! I will keep my nose out of the political the best I can on Twitter – I hope my PLN can do that same.
2017-01-13 at 4:06 pm
Maybe we can point the politicians in the direction of something like MySpace, hahaha. In addition to the political propaganda we also need to make sure that Twitter isn’t filled with ‘mystical wins’ every lesson/activity/project can’t have been as amazing as some make them out to be. Please keep Twitter honest, so we can all learn from one another.
2017-01-13 at 5:09 pm
I understand your identifying those hyped phrases and why it’d be nice to keep those out off Twitter.
I know when I find something on another platform, like Pinterest, I have a more critical stance on it until I really read through it – and right now that is different than on Twitter. I hope it stays that way!