This post is one in a series for a MOOC. You can find similar posts searching under the Category MOOC or searching for hashtag #eteacherTOOL for more about this particular MOOC.

MOOC Series #eTeacherTOOL

Please check my list of resources on Delicious tagged for: OnlineSafety, Online_Safety, security, bullying
I plan to add to it continually as I come across more high quality resources.

Exploring Recommended sites:

  • OnGuardOnline – two clicks into this site you can find this site, NetCetera.  This toolkit is a great place to start for teaching information to share with students and parents.  About 2-3 years ago I placed orders for Spanish and English versions of the NetCetera books for all of the students in our district – almost 25,000 students!  It was a high quality publication to be able to share with parents looking to protect their students.  You can probably still order large quantities, I see a link on the FTC order page which provides a link for “more copies.”
  • Kaspersky – I can see providing a link to a site like this for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs.  For when you want to provide information to help, but are not able/willing to support personal devices.
  • Cyberbullying Research Center – I like the paper based handouts from a teacher point of view as start of the year materials until students have completed AUPs.
  • A Thin Line: Taking a Stand Against Digital Abuse – This is a higher quality production, tied to MTV, which might appeal to middle and high school students.  I like the information on sexting, which some educators might feel more comfortable pointing students to – versus having the conversation in person.
  • Identity Theft Resource Center – This might not be appropriate for many students, possibly just upperclassmen in high school.
  • CommonSense Media’s, Digital Footprint, is a high quality video which I could see schools playing on large displays in common areas during community nights.

Exploring Additional sites:

Screen Shot 2014-02-06 at 9.46.09 PMEdudemic has several promising articles, but especially these and the accompanying PDF may interest educators looking for where to start, and interested in hearing from a trusted source for other educational technology topics:
The Teacher’s Guide to Keeping Students Safe Online
A Must-Have Online Safety Guide for Students
Technology for Learning: A Guidebook for Change



Screen Shot 2014-02-06 at 8.25.12 has several whitepapers.

I found the one on starting Internet safety alongside any BYOD program promising.

Facebook for school counselors seems to be a hot topic as well, and with very few resources.




Screen Shot 2014-02-06 at 9.43.16 PM I value this educator as a great resource of critical thought on technology in the classroom.

Bill Ferriter (@plugusin) would be great to follow on Twitter as well.


Twitter Resources:

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Facebook Resources:

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