This post is one in a series for a MOOC. You can find similar posts searching under the Category MOOC or searching for hashtag #eteacherTOOL for more about this particular MOOC.

MOOC Series #eTeacherTOOLCompleting the “Web-based Walkabout:”

Minilesson/Starter Content: Learnzillion, MERLOT, Gooru, Curriki , CK12 Flexbooks
Delicious Tag(s) – minilesson, online content, highered, online textbooks

Web Tools: Audacity, Jing, Voki, Vocaroo, Telligami, Animoto, Voicethread, Lunapic,
Delicious Tag(s) – Tools, web20, student tools, screenshare

Professional Learning: University of Central Florida Archive for the Faculty Seminars, American Speech Language Hearing Association Teaching with Technology, Use Online Video in Your Classroom/How to Use YouTube in the Classroom by Edutopia,  WISC-online
Delicious Tag(s) – ProfessionalLearning, OnlineTeaching, ProfessionalDevelopment, Videos, LearningObjects

Delicious Tags – freewikitool, tools

Promising …

In completing this quest I was able to examine the new ways this year I am collecting teaching ideas.  One in particular I am excited about is collecting teaching ideas via Pinterest.  I established a board for educational resources and invite about 10 other teachers to also post to the board (Strictly School).

Pinterest is one of those sites which also contains many non-educational items for me.  Because it is “mixed content” I do not feel comfortable pointing someone to Pinterest or that board unless I am sure they are comfortable with the other items they may find on my other boards.  That has the potential to limit the usefulness of what my friends and I find on Pinterest.  However, I was able to create a RSS feed from the single educational board to not only cross post to my blog, but also save to my Delicious account.  Within my Delicious account a search for “Pinterest” will reveal a great many more links than I was contributing when I had to manually add items to Delicious.  As a point of comparison, items tagged #Pinterest accounted for 90/191 of my links on Delicious this year, and the IFTTT recipe used to do this was only created August 23rd! (see: to learn more about IF This Than That recipes)