I am an educator.
I am an educator who sees great value in appropriate use of technology throughout teaching and learning.
And I have a secret, sometimes it is just about the tech.


I support classroom teachers to Principals find their perfect level of technology in their teaching. That means sometimes I educate on the new appropriate technology to include into their classroom, sometimes I offer an exchange of this tool for that tool, and sometimes I help a teacher give up on one piece of technology and search for a better fit. There are many times that I am the least knowledgeable about the content happening in the classroom, but that does not mean I do not value the continuing education of that content teacher – it means I heavily rely on it. And when it comes to the tech, they rely on me.

So, yes, I will tell you in my science or math classroom tech took a backseat to content, but I am also telling you something else too. The tech does matter. It should not be all about the tech for any classroom teacher, but it is for me. My job to is be an expert in this one areas that the typical classroom teacher/Principal does not have to be.

I go to those #EdTech conferences, like ISTE, GaETC, iNACOL, and it is more than a mini-vacation. It is where I meet-up with my tribe face-to-face. It is where I make new connections, find new ideas, and new challenges to address. This was my PLC before I even knew I had a PLC.

For me it is about the tech. That way, it doesn’t have to be for the classroom teacher or the Principal.