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Open educational resources are available in a variety of formats. Searching for plate tectonics I was able to find a multitude of free resources.
Below is an image, from SMART Technologies for use on their licensed products. Items like this are used on many Interactive Whiteboards aside from the one it was designed for, but anticipate some glitches which may need to be fixed after such an import.
Here is a nice image/text/activity combination page from Annenberg Learner on Tectonic Plates and Boundaries:
Websites like this do not often offer embed code, so a link needs to be made from the delivery platform to the learner. Some websites cannot be contained completely, or adequately, inside an LMS.
Here is a multimedia object from PhET, University of Colorado Boulder, on Plate Tectonics: Explore how plates move on the surface of the earth. Change temperature, composition, and thickness of plates. Discover how to create new mountains, volcanoes, or oceans!
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