A teacher friend of mine said, “I feel like a bill collector” recently and I felt it. We can extend all the grace we like in our virtual classrooms, but the disconnect between our deepest selves and what we do… Continue Reading →
Teachers Need our Help K-12 teachers are either teaching online, teaching face-to-face, or doing both. Despite what you think you learned last spring, the easiest job is teaching online. [click_to_tweet tweet=”Look for ways to help teachers this year. They are… Continue Reading →
No doubt, opinions about remote learning are innumerable. Public schooling brings together very diverse families, all with differing priorities. When something as necessary as public education substantially changes, life changes. Children stayed out of school and stayed home. Home could… Continue Reading →
As the new school year approaches, educators need to look back to the spring to learn how to improve what we can offer this fall. #RemoteLearning Roundup // Time to look back to look forward #BlendedLearning #BLinAction #BLchat #blendchat #edtech… Continue Reading →
Maybe it is because we have so many of our students being educated by parents, siblings, non-educators, but the time to bring back narrative assessments might be now. I am also not sure who should author them. Teachers can describe… Continue Reading →
The K-12 educational world is having a moment. And the only thing we know about moments is that they do not last. Mid-March K-12 districts across the country started to shut down physical locations and offer remote learning instead. Teachers… Continue Reading →
I have the background of a face-to-face K-12 teacher, an online graduate student, and someone who has studied blended learning for the past ten years. But this Remote Learning is something different than face-to-face/online/blended learning. #RemoteLearning is something different than… Continue Reading →
Kindness Rocks #RemoteLeanring and isolation from our teachers {except for overly populated, under-managed video conference calls} makes my boys sad. We have to find a way to connect with our teachers. We want to let them know we miss them,… Continue Reading →
We know each other. We have been promoting the power of #edtech together for a while now. We may have met through Twitter, various #EdTech conferences, #EdCamps, or found each other in the hallways of our school – but we… Continue Reading →
[Insert Child’s Eye Roll Here] 🙄 I have many stories from when I was growing up living in Michigan. I feel confident my boys can recite them by heart. There is the one where I was in college and I… Continue Reading →
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