If 2021 taught me anything, it is that no one is coming to save teachers. We need to save ourselves. No one is Coming to Save Teachers I tweeted this in response to a wonderful educator I follow on Twitter,… Continue Reading →
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conferences (n.d.) has been an anchor in my professional learning. Traditionally I attended the ISTE conference at the end of every June from 2012 until the pandemic. While there were many conferences… Continue Reading →
UDL Principles The Universal Design for Learning Principles (UDL) can increase retention in classroom interactions, programs of choice, and school in general. Everyone should care about #UDL #edchat Click To Tweet Everyone should care about UDL Higher education may have… Continue Reading →
Taking teaching and learning online has a distinct look and feel in K12. Many educators tried to replicate classroom teaching with synchronous teaching as 1:1, Input: Return. The efficiency of current K12 synchronous teaching cannot scale beyond this unsustainable phase…. Continue Reading →
There is a basic blog post formula I use. By having a basic blog post formula, I can quickly start a post and then tailor it to any unique needs of the topic. Here is the basic blog post formula… Continue Reading →
While education reorganizes, just to reorganize again, instructional technology is increasing its importance in classrooms, schools, and learning. Consider the Impact of Instructional Technology #edchat #edtech #edtechchat Click To Tweet Teachers and Technology Teachers may view the recent entry of… Continue Reading →
There are more educational technologies than you can use. ever. The users of #edtech apps vary; schools and districts subscribe, but also individuals subscribe. How should you request and receive support from #edtech companies? How should you request and receive… Continue Reading →
All educators are tired at this point. After a full year of COVID-19 school in 2020-2021 after the Spring of 2020, educators did not expect another COVID-19 school year, but here we are. We need to stick together and strategically… Continue Reading →
Armies of traditional face to face teachers just taught their first full semester of courses online. And for those who thought they were imposters, they just proved themselves wrong. Teachers who thought they were imposters just proved themselves wrong. #edchat… Continue Reading →
I am two years into a three-year advanced degree. Often I am tired and wish that I could be more carefree with my time, but with less than a year to go in grad school, I do my best to… Continue Reading →
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