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Commercial software refers to products offered to educational institutions via a set fee; whereas, open source software relates to materials that are free and available to users. With online learning, many programs integrate a combination of commercial and open source materials to create a more diverse learning platform. As discussed in the quest on synchronous learning, open source software packages for synchronous learning are available as well, and these are, oftentimes, deemed “free” versions. However, employing an open resource package requires technical consultation or an in-house Information Technology (IT) department that can manage the hosting, upgrading, integration, and continued usage of open source tools.
Completing this Quest Successfully Means:
Understanding the similarities and differences between commercial versus open source software in virtual classrooms.
The Quest:
Discuss your thoughts and check your understanding with fellow TOOL users regarding open vs. commercial software. What are the issues when choosing between Open Source vs. Commercial Software?
Resources for Exploration:
Review the vendor market and the discussion about open source vs. commercial software for Synchronous learning. Discuss the pros and cons of each. When would you use one versus the other?
Vendor and Tool
Commercial or Open Source
Free |
Open Source
Free Download
To complete this Quest:
Consider for a moment the role of synchronous learning in the virtual classroom and the exploration of various synchronous applications. When would an open source application take precedence over a commercial product? Using these quests as a point of reference, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the open source versus commercial software in relation to synchronous learning in your blog.
After completing a blog post that meets the requirements of this quest, submit the link to your post in the Submission Form at the bottom of this page.
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