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The assessing Student Learning (via EdTechTeacher) link was especially helpful in getting my a fresh perspective on how I might make a rubric for my idea about a vocabulary wiki for a science class. Once I started reading Bill Ferriter’s Digitally Speaking PBWorks wiki I started bookmarking in Delicious like a maniac. Each of his resources is a great place to start, if not the completed assessment of web 2.0 technologies you have been looking for, but maybe didn’t know you needed yet.
I started with Bill’s Wiki Tasks for Student Groups as something I would introduce early in my course to lay the operational groundwork for wiki work as a group. Then I modified Read Write Think’s 6-8 lesson on Collaborating, Writing, Linking: Using Wikis to Tell Stories Online wiki rubric and the 9-12 lesson on Exploring The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales using Wikis to start constructing my own group rubric for a science group vocabulary wiki contribution. I also ran across an individual wiki contribution rubric which I will use as is!
After initial experience with a generic wiki and the Wiki Tasks for Student Groups rubric I would then introduce the idea of group work in science vocabulary. I would most likely vary the group selection process based on the class format (face-to-face, blended, or online) and the class dynamic as far as assigning or making groupings voluntary. Either way I would then inform the class there will be two grades from this work, and individual grade – utilizing THIS rubric:
Additionally my students could expect a second grade for the group product, represented by THIS rubric:
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