This is a version of a Type I & Type II Technologies presentation from 2011, presented at a local educational technology conference. So much has changed since then, but the purposes of technology in the classroom are increasingly important and worthy of… Continue Reading →
#EdTech Introductions, Part One Hello, my Name is #EdTech Educational technology, or EdTech, is a long running component of education, but how would one recognize it today? Allow me to make some EdTech Introductions. The Marketplace It isn’t just educational companies from which schools… Continue Reading →
What social media does for Connected Educators today is amazing. I noticed an inbound link to my blog Thursday, likely because it was “funny” Spanish to me – also known as – not English or Spanish. I followed it to an interesting blog… Continue Reading →
Some of the classrooms in America look like they could be launching a rocket any minute. Some look the same as when my great-grandmother taught in a one-room school-house, save the clothing fashions. But we are not talking about those two… Continue Reading →
This is a relevant question for me at day 19/30 of the #AprilBlogaDay challenge. When, how, and why do I recommend technology in the classroom? When, how, and why do I recommend technology in the classroom? #edtech Click To Tweet… Continue Reading →
In the course of my job I was recently interviewed by an educational department of a company that writes its own magazine. At some point a person asked me if the students, as “digital natives,” were more engaged by teachers,… Continue Reading →
I read a twitter post recently that referenced this article: entitled, “SMART Boards Becoming Classroom Staples” I have a few issues to raise with this article, I want to explore the idea of what we expect as a return… Continue Reading →
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