Welcome to the 2023 #8weeksofsummer blog challenge! The newest disruptive technologies are artificial intelligence in the form of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT. This summer we dedicate our #8weeksofsummer blog challenge to encouraging bloggers and readers of blogs… Continue Reading →
Higher education has broader experience in a variety of learning environments. Distance education and more recently online education is more often a higher education offering. This is in contrast to the K-12 setting which is custodial in nature and often… Continue Reading →
I came across an interesting discussion post in a course I am teaching. The post wanted to know where I learn and how I manage my professional learning network (PLN) I try to respond in a variety of ways to… Continue Reading →
Edu Supply Chain Disruptions The pandemic has disrupted many supply chains. The edu supply chain disruptions will have a wide-reaching impact for years to come. There are really two levels of disruptions, for educators and for students. The edu supply… Continue Reading →
If 2021 taught me anything, it is that no one is coming to save teachers. We need to save ourselves. No one is Coming to Save Teachers I tweeted this in response to a wonderful educator I follow on Twitter,… Continue Reading →
Taking teaching and learning online has a distinct look and feel in K12. Many educators tried to replicate classroom teaching with synchronous teaching as 1:1, Input: Return. The efficiency of current K12 synchronous teaching cannot scale beyond this unsustainable phase…. Continue Reading →
While education reorganizes, just to reorganize again, instructional technology is increasing its importance in classrooms, schools, and learning. Consider the Impact of Instructional Technology #edchat #edtech #edtechchat Click To Tweet Teachers and Technology Teachers may view the recent entry of… Continue Reading →
Are you ready, if we go home tomorrow? What do you need to do to be ready for the possibility of being sent to teach remotely again? Free eBook: If We Go Home Tomorrow. Are you ready if we go… Continue Reading →
The video conferencing solution does not matter – Zoom, Skype, Google Hangout, Big Blue Button – but the effect is the same. The overuse of live lesson platforms, frustrated teachers, and underwhelmed families are all Zoomed Out. Free eBook: Zoomed… Continue Reading →
Armies of traditional face to face teachers just taught their first full semester of courses online. And for those who thought they were imposters, they just proved themselves wrong. Teachers who thought they were imposters just proved themselves wrong. #edchat… Continue Reading →
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