Serving up steaming scoops of K12 edtech observation, thoughts, and opinions. With gravy.

Tag Blended Learning

Blended Learning is more than a buzz word. It is more than “the best of both worlds” between face-to-face and online education.

Any definition should include The Christensen Institute’s student control of Time, Place, and Path – and – The Sloan Consortium (presently the Online Learning Consortium) recommended 30-79% of content delivered online.

Words matter, do not allow vendors or colleagues to misrepresent Blended Learning.

Non-Classroom Teachers Work During COVID-19

America knows what teachers are doing during this #RemoteLearning episode, but what about others who work in the school district? I have a small view of what is going on in our medium-sized school district in Georgia. The most important… Continue Reading →

What comes after #RemoteLearning?

The K-12 educational world is having a moment. And the only thing we know about moments is that they do not last. Mid-March K-12 districts across the country started to shut down physical locations and offer remote learning instead.  Teachers… Continue Reading →

#RemoteLearning is Something Different

I have the background of a face-to-face K-12 teacher, an online graduate student, and someone who has studied blended learning for the past ten years.  But this Remote Learning is something different than face-to-face/online/blended learning. #RemoteLearning is something different than… Continue Reading →

Week One Online Report Card

It is report card time and the school is sending my son’s report card through the mail, the U.S. Postal Service.  That is where K-12 education has ended this week, reduced to sheltering in place in our homes and the… Continue Reading →

Day # School From Home #COVID19

With ever-increasing days under our belt as remote teachers, thousands of educators are likely taking stock this morning.  If this is the new normal, how normal was yesterday? School From Home: If this is the new normal, how normal was… Continue Reading →

The 12 Days of C̶h̶r̶i̶s̶t̶m̶a̶s̶ HotLunchTray

Traditionally the 12 Days of Christmas starts on Christmas and extends roughly through teacher break; however it was celebrated in times of old is fine, but that’s how I observe it now.  My stance is that fewer Geese a Laying… Continue Reading →

Interaction in Virtual Communities

Virtual Communities Virtual Communities include online courses and social media platforms.  Online classes offer a variety of interactions. Some are expected and unexpected; there are also some interactions that do more to build social presence than others.  Online classes have… Continue Reading →

Learning in a Course Versus Social Media

Differentiating Course and Community Both coursework and interactions in online learning communities, such as social media, are concerned with literacies.  Song “pluralizes the word” literacy to denote the multiple literacies today’s students have to possess to interact and learn successfully… Continue Reading →

The Real Problem you have with #EdTech

Well, maybe not “you,” but the real problem that someone-you-know has with educational technology… Resilience You are not always able to spring back quickly from a difficult #edtech challenge.  The unplanned can stop you in your tracks and you are… Continue Reading →

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