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Podcasts and Vodcasts: Positive Aspects

Podcasts and Vodcasts Positive Aspects INSTA

Podcasts, short audio recordings, and vodcasts, short video recordings, are available to learners on demand and meet the needs of modern learners in a timely way. Podcasts and vodcasts have many positive aspects. Content creators can easily create brief snippets of content in which learners can control the speed, order, and frequency watched. There are several specific advantages to these methods of educating.


Consider the formidable amount of content to consume in any learning situation. Learners enjoy a variety of content formats in order to not become bored. Learners who have a high level of self-knowledge may also have a preferred learning style.  Work Ready Training (2018) offers classroom-level quality infographics on visual learners (Links to an external site.) and auditory learners (Links to an external site.).  The variety offered by both a vodcast and a podcast may be the perfect variation in the content for a learner.


Bannister et al. (2020) state that there exists a desire for shorter, less formal learning, called microlearning.  Microlearning can show up in multiple formats, but considering podcasts and vodcasts the learner can select the time and content for short bursts of content. While it would be cumbersome to replay a lengthy lecture, the podcast is easy to re-listen to.


Student agency in literacy can be improved through offering podcast or vodcast choices to students. Effective literacy teachers structure classroom learning opportunities for learners to progressively move toward independent and productive choices (Vaughn et al., 2020). Offering a variety of options for reading, listening, speaking, and writing can bolster that confidence for learner agency.


Bannister, J., Neve, M., & Kolanko, C. (2020). Increased Educational Reach through a Microlearning Approach: Can Higher Participation Translate to Improved Outcomes? Journal of European CME, 9(1), 1–7. (Links to an external site.)

Vaughn, M., Premo, J., Sotirovska, V. V., & Erickson, D. (2020). Evaluating Agency in Literacy Using the Student Agency Profile. Reading Teacher, 73(4), 427–441.

What’s your learning style: Auditory learner? Work Ready Training. (2018, October 8).

What’s your learning style: Visual learner? Work Ready Training. (2018, September 18).

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