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Add Value to Recycled PL

Yes. Professional Learning is not as fresh as you suspect. Let’s get that out-of-the-way immediately.

It is normal to calculate a presentation, class, or training will be re-run. In fact, we count on it. We need an authentic run-through to work out the kinks. The kinks are the types of things you find the first time you’re teach anything: you forgot to specify the browsers to use,  you had surprise guests who did not have accounts, and there’s always that one typo {that last one might be just me}.

A good habit of those presenting content in cycles is to establish a revision cycle for that content. Allow a calendar to remind you to check if content is ready for revision instead of awkwardly admitting in front of a new audience how old your content really is.

Here are some ways to examine your best repeat professional learning sessions for opportunities to add value when you are getting ready to recycle professional learning:

Upgrade the UX

How are you improving the user experience (UX) for your participants? Every time you give the same presentation, class, or training, the ease of use should increase.

Consider working with an Instructional Designer as either an auditor of your content or for a ground-up redesign. Their eye for streamlining your content goes beyond your text and they have the experience to upgrade your message, not just your words.

The platform is not always something you can change. However, consider how your participants access the information. How can you reduce the number of clicks? Can you shorten the URL, make a QR code? Can you create accounts before arriving on site?

Do the Clerical Work

Study the menial tasks which mire your participants down when participating in Professional Learning. How can you selectively take over 2-3 tasks from them which might allow them to engage in the content and the spirit of the content easier?

Create an opt-in opportunity for them to consent to receiving emails, newsletters, opportunities for future PL.

Keep a Waitlist and notify them in advance if they are an “existing customer” of any PL for which they express an interest.

Streamline Content

I mention content last because this is an intuitive, but still important revision.Try condensing the course. Shortening sentences, updating references, changing out new images, and maybe update the theme.

Content can be truncated if abbreviating it gives you an engaging foothold in a discussion face-to-face. Participants can read their own slides, why are you there if not to discuss with them? Make what you display memorable and big, guiding points to remember.

If you are only adding to a current project, consider splitting the content into two segments at some point. Participants desire a common length of commitment, a common level of effort in Professional Learning opportunities. Try to make your products similar to other offerings from the same source.


Once you establish a revision cycle and incorporate these techniques consider reviewing the Professional Learning sessions of peers. The department can benefit from the conversation alone which such transparency and trust generates.

Please share any tried and true ways in which you add value to the PL you are recycling.

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