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Things Students Already Replaced…

…before their teacher, school, or district did….

Before the district considered BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) students were bringing devices to school.

Before the school thought to promote collaboration, students were digitally storing, sharing, and providing feedback on each other’s work.

Before the teacher allowed publishing to a live audience on the Internet, students were sharing to online communities.

What gets replaced next?

Students could replace teachers who only teach through lecture and worksheets. Higher quality instruction is in many state online schools already. Families could move students to online instruction and realize a new flexibility in the family schedule.

Districts could replace location-based populations with online interested-based populations. As specialty online curriculums come into focus,

Students could replace all academic texts with personally purchased texts. Students already make small purchases for current products. The increase to families may be modest, however the savings to districts is potentially huge.

Students could replace a grade level with projects to encompass an old-fashioned school year’s worth of learning.

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