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#EdCampATL Take-Aways

My first EdCamp was #EdCampSav earlier this year. I was determined to just observe, so naturally I joined in and presented something on Twitter. I went from 0-60 in about the first five minutes I was there. And I find it cute how I intended today at #EdCampATL to just observe again. Because I again pulled an idea out of the corner of my mind and was presenting something on MOOCs for your Professional Development by 9:00AM. I clearly am a poor judge of my own tendencies. On a preventive note, I cannot accompany you to the casino or any buffet.

If you have not yet participated in an EdCamp the idea is an un-conference. The attendees are the pool for group talks on subjects of interest to them; there’s sharing, more of a dialogue and questions are encouraged. No pre-planned presentations – you’ll notice what I shared were just Evernotes which I pulled together in 5-10 minutes and tweeted out during/after I shared.

So how can that logistically be pulled together so quickly you may ask? The same way teachers have been accomplishing things for centuries, Post-it notes. The organizers provide a matrix of places and times and participants fill out a Post-it note and select a place and time slot.

…And then you start to see if there is something that you feel lead to lend to the conversation…

This EdCamp offered 25 or 50 minutes sessions – I think shorter is better, BECAUSE everyone is encouraged to vote with their feet at EdCamp. What that means is when the session is no longer meaningful to you or adding to your knowledge you are expected to move on.

Your hunch is right, this takes a bit of reinforcement with polite, kind, considerate educators. After all our degrees are practically “I sat through four+ years of sit-and-get lectures to prove I can last through any faculty/parent-teacher conference meeting you can dream up,” and teachers have a little unlearning to do in that department. I sometimes amuse myself imagining if teachers did that during a traditional faculty meeting, oh my, but I digress.

As the board fills up a volunteer makes a sharable document of the EdCamp Schedule which shows both the overall schedule and the sessions. This is great for planning your next move between, and maybe during sessions. The EdCamps I have attended offer a light breakfast, a welcome session, mostly morning teacher-led sessions, then a lunch, a smackdown/prizes, and a closing session. Both which I have attended are at schools, which provides large displays, seating, a large meeting area like a gym and outlets for charging.

What were the super-duper winners for me?

Thanks #EdCampATL

Loosely related …

I tried several times to complete a post after ISTE and it is still sitting in my drafts. I thought perhaps my ISTE take-aways were too cynical and maybe it was because my usual group of ISTE conference goers were still on our “home turf” and not in that altered (more open, more receptive, more teamish) conference state of (learning) mind. However, when I compare today’s EdCamp event with this year’s ISTE experience I find many of those factors similar between the situations, and should have expected similar results. If anything, my expectations of ISTE this year were higher than my expectations of today’s EdCamp – and still I felt more professionally satisfied with today’s EdCamp than I did with my ISTE experience. I hope this is just an anomaly for ISTE as I have enjoyed ISTEs 2011-2013 so much in the past.

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