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Communicate 4.3.1 The Synchronous Session Quest

This post is one in a series for a MOOC. You can find similar posts searching under the Category MOOC or searching for hashtag #eteacherTOOL for more about this particular MOOC.

Don’t let your students miss the good stuff…

ummm, that isn’t the stuff we are talking about here

An asynchronous educational experience can allow for so much self-selected variety on the part of the student. And the teacher can also have an element of selection of how to best to share content or experiences. Some experiences and or content will be best facilitated by the teacher in a synchronous session. A synchronous session allows the ability to respond immediately to verbal or physical cues to alter delivery, check for understanding, or clarify.

However, how do you accomplish that from an online course? Luckily there are many tools to choose from for that purpose: Skype, Join Me, and Wimba/Collaborate are all very popular choices int he educational world. These tools may include more than just audio and video. Often chat boxes, a “raise hand” feature, whiteboards are all available to mimic the parts of the face-to-face experience which are teaching gold without actually being face-to-face.


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