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Communicate 4.2.2 Digital Feedback Quest

This post is one in a series for a MOOC. You can find similar posts searching under the Category MOOC or searching for hashtag #eteacherTOOL for more about this particular MOOC.

Feedback is crucial in every learning environment. In an online environment the feedback needs to contain all the nuance which are usually conveyed in a face to face situation as well. With the additional factor of asynchronous learning, the feedback may not alway be a conversation, a two-way give and take of information, so the teacher must also anticipate all the information a student may need to take the next step within the course or assignment.


various modes of digital commentary online instructors may rely on to enhance the strength of feedback

1. Voice Grading with Kaizena

via @JohnHardison1 who uses this with his HS English students regularly.

2. Peer Review function in Learning Management Systems (LMSs) can facilitate an open, ongoing process of peer feedback in an easily observable environment for the teacher.  Here the feature is presented within the BrainHoney LMS product:

3.  Announcements, Discussions, and Conversations have a great importance and need for efficiency in an online environment.

See this video on feedback in Canvas LMS:

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