Serving up steaming scoops of K12 edtech observation, thoughts, and opinions. With gravy.

Search results “PLC”

Does this PLC Cover Me?

The idea of a Professional Learning Community, a PLC, is awesome. I want to sit with other professionals and participate in critical conversations around student work, achievement, and my personal practice. But that doesn’t always happen. Maybe people are particularly open… Continue Reading →

Microlearning Content versus Microlearning Audience

The focus of microlearning is usually the chunking of content. How small should segments of microlearning be? Consider microlearning content versus microlearning audiences. Microlearning is not just about the content. The strategy you apply to content segmentation can also be… Continue Reading →

Summer 2019 Teacher Reads 📚

The summer focus is on Blended Learning. I have sent many of the teachers I work with home with these books this school year, I have just purchased one and love it, and I have one on here I just… Continue Reading →

How You Take Back Your Professional Learning

For the longest time your Grade/Department Chair, or your building Administration, or your school district has directed your Professional Learning. It is time to take back your professional learning as a professional learner. Because, despite how you sometimes feel, you are… Continue Reading →

If it isn’t about the Tech, Why go to an #EdTech Conference?

I am an educator. I am an educator who sees great value in appropriate use of technology throughout teaching and learning. And I have a secret, sometimes it is just about the tech. I have a secret, sometimes it is… Continue Reading →

Who is your Professional Learning Community? #AprilBlogaDay

Your Professional Learning Community (PLC) is the one which supports you in your continual learning. Aside from asking you who your PLC is, I would also ask if it is formal or informal? My supposition is that the less formal… Continue Reading →

#iNACOL13 Brain Dump

This was my first iNACOL.  I jealously watched my colleagues attend a couple of years ago and am so grateful I was able to attend this year!  It is worth noting they have recently changed their name from Virtual School… Continue Reading →

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