Serving up steaming scoops of K12 edtech observation, thoughts, and opinions. With gravy.

Month January 2011

And You Thought Your Job was Hard . . .

But imagine a job where you were hired for your high degree of competency … and then a topic sneaks up on you in which you feel you are tremendously ill-prepared.
This is the type of educating that any person in the school can do to help prepare our decision makers for the tough choices in technology they will surely encounter.

Digitally, Tread Lightly

Everyone needs to be intentional about what we tweet, decidedly neutral when we respond, and tweet with a benefit-of-the-doubt mentality whenever possible. We are each others best resource, we can’t be this tough on each other.

The Power of A Teacher and the Shut-Off Notice from the Public

…erroneously assumes teachers that are good at making connections with students will have students in their class that always produce high test scores. If he is allowed to play out his litmus test of test scores evicting teachers he will most likely rid Illinois schools of the very teachers he praised at the onset of his article. Luckily there are unions, that slow such processes which might gut the school system if public opinion was able to be carried out without check.

Interview Question

In the course of my job I was recently interviewed by an educational department of a company that writes its own magazine. At some point a person asked me if the students, as “digital natives,” were more engaged by teachers,… Continue Reading →

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