I have shared how I got myself back into the habit of blogging, by participating in blog challenges! If you are finding yourself overwhelmed start removing layers of things standing between you and a completed blog post. By participating in some blog challenges, I found myself practicing just writing instead of being paralyzed by selecting topics in addition to writing.

Blog ChallengesDaily, weekly, or monthly challenges offer you an opportunity to pay attention to your writing instead of selecting the topic in addition to the actual writing of your blog post; no doubt generating ideas as you write.

I detail the challenges which excited me and provided me with a burst of productivity this winter in a recent post. But if these do not speak to you, where can you find other educational blog challenges?

To Challenge Students:

To Challenge Educators:

To Challenge any Blogger:

Care to Start by Commenting?

  • Ben Wilkoff, @bhwilkoff, has an exciting take on the blog challenge. He is trying to build his community, and ours, by commenting on blogs everyday. Great idea, right? He gets to engage with peers, be thoughtful, and recognize an intriguing topic and respond. Check out his Learning is Change website and follow #C4C15 on Twitter for his latest comments. (daily)